New Tempco Infographics, renewables for energy engineering

The new Tempco Infographic is dedicated to the growing market of renewables in Italy and worldwide. Following our previous infographics, focused on Process innovation with digitalization and Industry 4.0 and Enhancing industry thanks to automation and robotics, let’s now take a look on Energy which is the pumping core and moving power of all manufacturing processes.

The challenges of the climate change force the industry to find ways to empower sustainability for a responsible development, respectful of the environment. Energy is a central element in the climate strategy for every industrial sector, starting with the way energy is employed. Energy consumption must be more and more intelligent and efficient, reducing the amount of energy required by industrial production in every application field. Tempco is committed to deploy thermal energy recovery solutions and to increase energy efficiency in cooling, heating and thermoregulating applications in industrial processes.

But energy saving is not enough: at the beginning of the value chain of power generation, the kind itself of energy which is produced and consumed must change. Power generation from renewable sources must increase, in order to reduce and substitute fossil fuels which are the cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Tempco also supports the renewables market by designing and engineering solutions for thermal energy management and production efficiency.

Indeed, an effective sustainable growth is strictly depending on the increase of renewables in the global energy mix, including hydroelectric, solar, wind and bioenergy. Renewables are in fact the unique key for the success of current trends such as mobility electrification and energy efficiency in industrial processes.

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