Thermoregulation in thermoplastic sheets production

The production of polypropylene extruded calendered sheets requires a fine and constant temperature control of calender rollers.
For an application in production lines of polypropylene extruded and calendered sheets we have realized a thermoregulation unit with a temperature working range between +20° C and +120° C, according to the production step.

termoregolazione lastre polipropilene

During the processing of thermoplastic sheets the calender rollers employed for the production of finished materials must have a constant and controlled temperature. We employed high capacity pumps for the engineering of the thermoregulation unit, even if the thermal capacity required was restrained. The aim was indeed to limit the gap between inlet and outlet temperature. We are talking about a thermal capacity/capacity fluids load rate of 2:1.

In addition, the unit has been equipped with a PID electronic thermoregulator in order to maintain the required temperature level, with tight tolerances. The PID thermoregulator works with a 3-way control mixing valve ensuring extremely high efficiency and rapidly adapting to auto-tuning, the capacity variations required by the different processing steps.

lavorazione polipropilene termoregolazione

The thermoregulation unit has been conceived with a compact design, in order to fit the available room for installation in the existing production lines.



Posted in Heating, temperature control unit, Thermoregulation Unit

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